Monday, August 25, 2008


The first week and a half was long - not afterschool long - but school long. We have a 35 minute longer day than the past 8 years and I can feel it everyday.

Thankfully I have a nice class this year even though we had "death reading time" this morning. They were so sleepy - it was too quiet - even creepy.

This week's plan:

Today - long day - tennis at night
Tuesday - long day - soccer mtg. in morning, health care benefits after school
Wednesday - long day - BTSA after school
Thursday - long day - Tennis in Folsom at night
Friday - long day - maybe?

Radiohead played in San Francisco on Friday - I missed it - too expensive. A co-worker went - I'm so bummed.

In case you haven't heard (it was on CNN last week) - I shot a 79 in golf on August 17th. I rock.

Off to bed.

Have a nice 8=2+6

Here's some Radiohead:

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